We offers advanced functionality of Koha and also helps librarians who are interested in the most advanced and cost effective open source automation solution on the market, Koha.
About Koha
Koha is an open source Integrated Library System (ILS), used world-wide by public, school and special libraries.
This Software Manages all data of Library in Manner way.
- Affordarble/Reasonable price.
- Easy to use.
- Easy to customise.
We helps you to support...

- Koha Installation
- Data Migration from .XLS/.CSV
- LINUX Server Management
- Customised Rules Implementation
- Users Import
- Train your Staff on Koha
- Maintainance
KOHA Features
- Includes tools to support buying budgets, manage suppliers and deal with exchange rates.
- Fully customizable to meet the needs of a wide range of libraries.
- Create custom item types, borrowing rules and consequences.
- Koha even supports hourly borrowing and is flexible enough to handle your AV or other hardware.
- Print or email circulation slips, send reminders and notifications by email or SMS.
- Support for self checkout, RFID and offline circulation built in.
- Support for multi branch and interlibrary loans included.
- Koha can create patron cards with photos if required. Includes a barcode generator.
- Koha supports all major standards and MARC flavours.
- Copy cataloguing and Z39.50 functions are built in.
- Flexible and powerful cataloguing tools as standard.
- Support for serials, electronic resources and special librart requirements.
- WebOPAC is customizable and user friendly.
- Clean and simple interface with the option to use advanced tools and parameters.
- Borrowers have access to comprehensive information about their borrowing and account in an easy to read format.
- Schools will enjoy the ability to recall students reading records.
- Koha comes with many reports built-in and can help staff with guided report creation as well as the ability to create reports from scratch.
- Koha is actively developed by its users so features that users request and need are constantly being added and development is not driven by marketing hype.